Get in Touch depicting various means of communication

So… you’ve met me, I’d love for you to get in touch.

I hope this blog has sparked your interest in 3d printing. If any of the following might be true Iā€™d be more than happy for you to drop me an email so we can talk directly.

  • Fancy collaborating on a project and want to check my availability?
  • Want some help with 3d Printing?
  • Need some further info regarding my previous projects?
  • Have some feedback you’d like to share?

[email protected]

Things you might want to consider before you get in touch (because I’m likely to ask for some details):

  1. size

2. colour/ the overall look

3. time – is there a specific time frame or date in mind.

4. additional wording/customisation

5. Having files for the design from Thingiverse (or equivalent).