This Blog

You can follow my awesome journey into the fascinating world of 3D printing with this blog.

It’s a way for me to precisely document and showcase the 3D Printing projects I’ve been doing. I’m hoping it might also prove to be useful for other hobbyists to read about some of the things I’ve tried and tested over the years.

I will post updates to show my progress. As well as intriguing others to develop a passion for 3D printing. This will include any problems I might have experienced, with the solutions.

Printing & Me

I started my 3D Printing journey full of excitement printing decorative pieces. Nothing longer than 3 to 4 hours, Just as a means to practice. During these early stages sometimes, they wouldn’t print at all, this was very frustrating. But the attitude is try and try again. Eventually they printed to a standard I was happy with.

With use, came experience and my confidence grew. I gradually progressed onto longer prints, these often being 7-12 hours. Overtime now they have become projects made up of multiple pieces. Often also requiring additional processes like painting or fitting with electronics.

My 3D printing- the longest print

 My longest print to date has been for my full-sized R2D2 project. Just the body section alone is comprised of 3 large parts. Alongside the dome, legs and feet. In addition to several intricate moving elements. I anticipated the project to take 2 years.

The print in question was the largest part of the body. For which I had to do a mid-print change of filament, due to the piece weighing over 1kg. Also, A key aspect of this project was the electronic fix – enabling the R2D2 to move, make noises and have lights. You can find out more about the electronics that I used in my projects over on the build logs page.

YouTube Channel – @My3dPrintinguk

I also have my own YouTube channel where I post time lapses of the majority of my prints on my K1 Max. This will show the intricacy of the 3D printing process, and the importance of elements like support in actual terms of 3D printing.

Moreover, I do live streams at least once a week talking about various topics within 3D printing. Topics such as, machine performance, slicing issues. Occasionally covering filaments and more just to help the 3D printing community. I am always open to feedback from my subscribers as to what topics they might benefit from having a video on, and  encourage participation in my livestreams. If you would like to be part of the chats and streams please subscribe to my channel

Instagram – @My3dPrintinguk

You can follow me on Instagram to see pictures of my latest projects and other prints.

How you can Support me

Your general support in following my social media pages is amazing. You can be involved in polls, quizzes and livestreams, as well as just sending me a message. Moreover, I have a Buy Me a Coffee page, where you can donate to help continue my 3D printing career.